Well today started early for my youngest daughter and I, We were on a mission and nothing was going to get in our way...
"Marg" our darling Fiat Multipla took us off the "Home base" to get the much needed Farrow + Ball paint,
Next for the exciting bit, a rummage in the pdsa charity warehouse, unfortunately no items of furniture caught my eye, but managed to bag a couple of cellular blankets for the cats to snuggle up to and a nice porcelain rose whimsie.
A couple of miles down the road was my next stop and this is the place that really gets me excited as it is an old sort of stately home that is now used as a used furniture resellers
A Shabbulicious treasure trove!
Hmm, so much to choose from and so little pennies, I immediately scan the 6 separate rooms for anything decorative or with Queen Anne legs.... Bingo!! I settled on a display cabinet with pretty legs that will be my first "Farrow + Ball" project, also hiding in the corner I spot a very pretty and already shabby chic outdoor corner table that would delight in my small back garden, Oh and for £5 how can I refuse.
Around another nook and cranny I spot a stack of old mirrors, nothing too decorative, however after flicking through the pile I come across a gorgeously simple but decorative one that would look fab painted up, so I scoop it up for the minimal sum of £3.
Just as I was leaving something really cute caught my eye, a battered and worn little wall plaque, so cute and would add a little touch of home to my bland bathroom.
"Marg" greatly accepted our new treasures and with her seats folded back we had enough room to gallop off to Falmouth for a few more hours of bargain hunting.
Upon entering Falmouth my little one noticed a huge warehouse with a massive sign saying "Antiques" Ooh I thought, so we pulled in, full of excitement at what was waiting for us inside.....How wrong could one person be!!!! This was PURE Antiques...laden from corner to corner with such grandness, nothing under a thousand pounds and a huge sign that asks parents to keep children in their sights as ALL breakages MUST be paid for!!
"Oh boy! get me outta here", my daughter has just had half a box of Jaffa cakes and is feeling rather energetic, We leave QUICK, her trailing behind with me holding both of her arms, Hahaha, what a sight we looked.
Next we found a quaint little Salvation Army charity shop where we scooped a crochet pink and cream blanket, 2 vintage full length cotton night gowns(victorian looking), some Mongolian cushions in pink and lilac, a divine signed oil painting of 2 swans on a blossomed lake, Oh and my darling daughter picked a china cat sleeping on a china pillow as a reward for being a good girl without complaining the whole day.
I have included pics of all my treasures found today and will post updates as the projects are coming along,I'm totally worn out from our day out, but feeling warm and fuzzy inside at the thought of putting some love and life back into our newly acquired treasures.Mmmm do I have enough pennies for the local booty sale tomorrow... Of course, I'll use the emergency fund, that's what the Shabby fund is for Goodnight and Thanks for sharing our special day with us.